Position and Affiliation: Assistant professor in Tourism science, Mid Sweden University.

E-mail: peraakenilsson@gmail.com

University Academic Merits

BA in History, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Sociology, Theology, University of Lund
PhD in Historia 1968 University of Lund.


Teacher at Kiruna Secondary School, 1967 - 1978.

Senior Lecturer Mid Sweden University, 1978 - 2006.

Prorector MID Sweden University, 1990 - 1991.

Head of System Science Institution Mid Sweden University, 1991.

Head of Tourism Science Institution Mid Sweden University, 1995 - 1996.

Research Director at Center for Tourism and Regional Research, Nexø, Denmark, 1996 - 1999.

Director for Center for Tourism and Regional Research, Nexø, Denmark, 1999 - 2000.

Opponent, Anette Therkelsen Doctoral thesis, University of Aalborg, Denmark, 1999.

Senior researcher, Center for Tourism and Regional Research, Nexø, Denmark, 2000 - 2008.

Assistant professor Holar University College, 2009 - 2012.

Member of Examination Board for György Ängelkott Bocz Doctoral thesis, Swedish Agricultural University, Alnarp.

Supervisor for Sandra Granquist Master thesis, University of Stockholm, Dep of Zoology, 2013.

Articles in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. Nilsson, P. Å. (2013), Centripetal and Centrifugal Force. A cse study of regional push and pull factors for bback-movers in Morthern Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Northern Norway. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, Vol. 4, No.1, 2013, pp. 87-94.

2. Nilsson, P. Å. (2008), Tourism in cold water islands. A matter of contract? Experience from destination development in the Polar North. Island Studies Journal Vol.3, No. 1, 1998, pp. 97-112.

3. Nilsson, P. Å. (2007), Stakeholder theory: The need for a convenor. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality  and  Tourism Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 171-184.

4. Ioannides, D., Nilsson, P. Å. (2006), Transboundary Collaboration in Tourism: the Case of the Bothnian Arc. Tourism Geographies Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 122-142.

5. Nilsson, P. Å., Petersen, T., Wanhill, S. (2005), Tourism Policy in Peripheral Areas: The Arjeplog Case. Service Industry Journal  Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 579-600.

6. Getz, D., Nilsson, P. Å. (2004), Responses of Family Businesses. Tourism Management, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 17-30.

7. Nilsson, P. Å. (2002), Stay on a farms: An ideological background. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.29, No. 1, pp. 7-24.

8. Nilsson, P. Å. (2001), Tourist Destination Development: The Åre Valley. Scandinavian Journal of Tourism, Vol. 1, No. 1.

9. Nilsson, P. Å. (1991), A contribution of a new type of regional policy. The case of the Blind Spot. Razvoj, International Journal of Development, IRMO Zagreb.

Reports (Refereed)

1. Nilsson, P. Å. (2013), Tourist background and local acceptance. A case study of tourists in Northern Iceland.  Akureyri: Iceland Centre for Tourism Research.

2. Nilsson, P. Å. (2011), Attitudes to wild life. An interdisciplinary attempt to improve codes of conduct for wild life watching.  Saudarkrokur: Holar University College.

3. Nilsson, P. Å. (2010), Back movers and inmovers. A study of back migration flows into small societies over time.  Saudarkrokur: Holar University College.

4. Nilsson, P. Å. (2005), Responses to atypical tourism in the Bothnian Arc Rim  Nexø: CRT.

5. Nilsson, P. Å. (2004), The White Sea Extension - Possible  tourism connections between Bothnian Arc Region and Russian Karelia Nexø: CRT.

6. Marcussen, C. H., Nilsson, P. Å., Pedersen, J., Pedersen, K. M. (2005), Cruise tourism in the Baltic and Bothnian Sea Nexø: CRT.

7. Nilsson, P. Å. (2002), Rekreation og tilængelighed i et tætbefolket område [Recreation and accessibility in a densly populated area] Nexø: CRT.

8. Nilsson, P. Å. (2002), Tourism business networking and restructuring on Bornholm Roskilde: RUC.

Book Chapters (Refereed)

1. Nilsson, P. Å., Granquist, S. (2013), The Wild North: Network Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism n a Fragile Marine Environment in the Arctic Region In D. Müller, L. Lundmark & Lemelin, R.H. (Eds) New Issues in Polar Tourism. Heidelberg: Springer.

2. Nilsson, P. Å. (2012), Twenty years of scientification. The Nordic Symposium for Hospitality and Tourism research 1992-2011. Hammerdal: Hammerdal Förlag.

3. Granquist, S., Nilsson, P. Å. (2013), The Wild North: Network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the Arctic region In D. Müller, L. Lundmark & R. Lemelin New Issues in Polar Tourism  Heidelberg: Springer.

4. Nilsson, P. Å. (2007), Cruise tourism and the new tourist: The need for a different typology? I Lück, Michael Nautical tourism  New York: Cognizant.

5. Nilsson, P. Å. (2007), Turismens historie [History of tourism] In Anders Sørensen (Ed) Grundbog i turisme  Köpenhamn: Frydenlund.

6. Ankre, R-M, Nilsson, P. Å. (2007), A Northern Island World – Luleå Archipelago, Sweden in Extreme Island Tourism: Lessons from the World´s Cold Water Islands (Ed Godtfrey Baldacchino) University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada.

7. Sørensen, A., Nilsson, P. Å. (2003), What is managed when managing tourism? In Derek Hall (Ed) New directions in rural tourism  London: Ashgate.

8. Nilsson, P. Å. (2002), The agrarian landscape: real and virtual rurality – a contribution to a synthesis. InPihlainen & Tirkkonen (Ed) The new countryside and transformations in operating environment  Åbo: Turku University.

9. Nilsson, P. Å. (2000), Tourism’s Role in New Rural Policy for Peripheral Areas In Frances Brown & Derek Hall (Eds) Tourism in peripheral areas Clevedon: Channel view publications.

10. Nilsson, P. Å. (1998), A new rural policy In Nils Aarsæther & Ole Bærenholdt (Ed) Coping Strategies in the North. MOST, UNESCO Copenhagen.

Conference Presentations

1. Twenty years of scientification. The 21th Nordic Tourism Research Conference i Umeå, November, 2012.

2. Wilderness tourism- a matter of interdisciplinary concern? The case of interaction between harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and tourists at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. Sustainable Tourism Conference on Relationships in Sustainable Tourism Development. Savonlinna, Finland Oktober 19-21, 2011.

3. Harmony between man and nature. The case of seal watching at Vatnsnes Peninsula, Iceland 2nd  International Conference onSolutions on Harmonising sustainability and nature protection with socio-economic stability.Vidzeme Augusti 2010.

4. The Wild North – network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the Arctic Region. The 2nd International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference, Abisko, Juni, 2010.

5. QAS – a method to increase sustainable awareness?Nordic Tourism Research Conference Akureyri, September, 2010.     

6. The tourism product as culture for unaccustomed. The 18th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Esbjerg, September, 2009.

7. Advances in nature based tourism products. The 17th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Lillehammer, September, 2008.

8. Recreational capital and accessibility to nature.The 16th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Helsingborg, September, 2007.

9. Cruise tourism and the new tourist - Is it time for a new definition?The 14th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Akureyri, September, 2005.

10. Cruise Tourism in the Baltic and Bothnian Sea.The 13th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Ålborg, October, 2004.

11. Rekreation och tillgänglighet i ett tättbefolkat område.The 10th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Vasa, October, 2001.

12. Forms for transmission of different types of knowledge within small-scale business in peripheral areas. The Case of Arjeplog.Northern Periphery Conference Spetsbergen, February, 2001.

13. Forms for transmission of different types of knowledge within small-scale business in peripheral areas. The Case of Arjeplog. The 9th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Bornholm, October, 2000.

14. Integration as an instrument for development.The 6th Nordic-Baltic Conference in Regional Research Riga, October, 2000.

15. Mountain Tourism in Sweden. The Åre Valley during 100 years.The 8th Nordic Tourism Research Conference, Alta, 1999.

16. Rural reality versus virtual rurality. Rustica Nova Conference on Rural Tourism, Somerniemi, 1999.

17. Rural Tourism and its ideological roots. Rural Tourism Management Conference: Sustainable Options, September, 1998. Scottish Agriculture College Ayr.

18. Exogenous and Endogenous Forces in Coping Processes.Circumpolar Coping Processes Project Conference Isafjördur, March, 1998.

19. Rural Tourism as a Development Resource in Peripheral Areas – A Contribution to a New Rural Policy. The 5th Circumpolar Co-operation Conference Luleå, June 1997.

20. Local Will and Urban Demand. The 5th Nordic Tourism Research Conference Rovaniemi, December 1996.

21. The Wolf as a Resource.Conference Tourism for Peace in Montreal, September, 1994.

22. Tourism Planning and Development. A Concept of Distance-Independent Technology for Education. International Conference on school based in-service teacher training. Sotji, June, 1994.

23. The North Calotte - a historical view of regional politics.The 3rd Circumpolar Universities Co-operation Conference Rovaniemi, 1992.

24. The Blind Spot - A Contribution to a New Regional Policy.International Federation for Housing and Planning. The 40th World Congress Dublin, September, 1990.


SUBJECT: Heritagization

Overview. Impact of tourism on local residents has been object for numerous studies since mass tourism started in the 1960s, both in forms of negative or positive impact for the destinations.However, for museum keepers, tourism has become the backbone for their economic survival.
Impact on tourists by culture heritage has been less studied. A real cultural tourist must be motivated by the heritage attributes and personally involved in the displayed heritage. This is a process and the final stage of such a social process where tourists feel that the heritage is relevant to them more than to others is heritagization.
Heritagization as a cultural paradigm has been used and abused. Used as a protest to political or ideological coping with culture heritage as a production and collection made by past generations and now kept in order to preserve, elucidate, or maintain certain political norms and goals. Abused as an education of the public by invented, hidden, as well as purposely chosen past, with focus on ideas instead of objects and to use interpretation of history for own advantage.
The idea of this presentation is to exemplify how the impact of the interplay between local residents and tourists on themselves transforms both the cultural heritage and those exposed by it.

În perioada 16 - 23 mai 2014, Dr. Per Åke NILSSON de la Mid Sweden University a efectuat un stagiu de cercetător invitat în cadrul Centrului de Cercetare a Aşezărilor şi Urbanism, Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca. Cu această ocazie au avut loc mai multe întâlniri de lucru la sediul CCAU precum şi o prelegere cu tema Heritagization. La prelegere au participat tineri cercetători din cadrul CCAU precum şi din alte centre de cercetare. Întâlnirea s-a materializat cu stabilirea unor contacte între cercetători precum şi demararea unor colaborări pe teme comune de cercetare.

De la stânga la dreapta:

Dr. Diana-Elena ALEXANDRU, Dr. Per Åke NILLSON, Jurnalist Lena NILLSON